SportIto is a neoteric, multi-dimensional sports education and management company, established with the vision of getting everyone to experience the magic of sports. We partner with schools, governments and corporate to help improve health and fitness in a fun and engaging manner. Our extensive research based physical education and sports education program enable school children to adopt sporting skills from an early age. We offer different programs keeping in mind the needs of the age groups starting from preschool to higher grades. It is a one stop solution offering excellent packages for physical education through sports activities. We offer both inclusive sports curriculum activities during school hours and after school sports activities, to ensure the growth of kids physically and mentally.
Nature Ride is also an initiative of SportIto Sports Management Pvt Ltd., which offers unique and exhilarating outdoor experiences specifically designed for children of all ages. This kind of programs will take children on transformative journeys- explore the outdoors, stretch to take on challenges and learn more about yourself. Being in nature gives you new perspectives and leaves your distractions behind, slow down and hear the echo from within.